Well our first event turned out pretty good, I think we all had alot of fun, I know I did. We conquered every major area of the dungeon, Including Zixx Nenix, the lvl 25 DE Necro. Quovaris got the 20 plat for the first wooden totem, but no Totem Staves were recovered while I was there. We got a few pieces of snakeskin and fun was had by all.. I was thinking of holding our next Event at Kerra Isle, not Eruds Crossing, but the actual Kerra Isle off the coast at Toxxulia Forest. The only downside there is that there is no magic items to be found as it is basically an un-itemized zone, just your standard loot, we will have to come up with some more ideas and have a vote.. Heres a screenshot of the action at PaW..
Diabolique De'Brujah
Greetings Folks, Just wanted to make a quik update so you know Im still out here. I have not had much EQ Time lately. (I have a wife and 4 kids =) . But anyways, I updated the Members page with the latest members, if your not on the list, send me an e-mail and ill add you. I have also re-scheduled the PAW event. And this time I have decided as I will do every time, We will have an alternate plan in the event that I cant make it (Meaning there will be a backup "leader" for the guild event). So if you know the Dungeon Paw and would like to be my backup, pls let me know. Please check out the Events page for more info..
Diabolique De'Brujah
always, I love to hear your input, if you have any questions or
comments related to the guild or webpage, send me an e-mail at [email protected]
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